Youth Power Austria

Training Course: 11 Youth Goals (EU) in Practice

We are Partner Organisation in Spain

The program “TC ’11 Youth Goals in Practice'” is dedicated to empowering youth workers, leaders, and volunteers. It offers hands-on training to develop activities and strategies aligned with the European Youth Strategy. Participants acquire skills to mentor youth in their communities, fostering the development of their own activities/projects based on the 11 Youth Goals.


The ultimate aim is to cultivate proactive and empowered young leaders. As participants enhance their skills, they become agents of change within their local communities. Equipped with practical knowledge, they guide and inspire youth, triggering a chain reaction of empowered leaders who create their own activities/projects centered on the 11 Youth Goals.

The  Objectives: 


  • To develop participants’ understanding and knowledge about youth strategies as part of youth work, strategies development process, and different models of activities;
  • To raise awareness of 11 Youth Goals as a Part of European Youth Strategy;
  • To provide new methods how to engage, activate and connect young people;
  • To provide new methods on non-formal education combined with structured dialogues

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